Monday 2 June 2008

Well Well, They're in London

Interesting. Some leading personnel, having been to GAFCON only, will nevertheless be in England afterwards, joining those doing the double. Are the extras going to be giving moral (ideological) support to the Lambeth attenders?

In his recent interview, Henry Orombi said demands on his time was one reason why he was not going to Lambeth. But he will be in London, as will Peter Jensen. Even Jim Packer will be around. We know Gregory Venables is also going to Lambeth, and so is Bob Duncan, destined for great things according to Henry Orombi.

By the way, folks, the praise-gushing ego-maniacal piece about the coming GAFCON and all that would follow was my spoof. I wrote it. Yet here come the GAFCON folks to All Souls Langham Place in London to talk about Global Anglicanism & English Orthodoxy?

Ah the English and Global Anglicanism and Orthodoxy...

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