Sunday 14 April 2013

Latest Website Fun

The emphasis of my homegrown web activity has moved from this blog back to the website, and is partly a consequence of not commenting on Anglican affairs as I once did. For example, I cannot be bothered to give the Church of England Faith and Order Commission's latest nonsense on marriage the time of day. The only comment to make about it is that it is not worth a comment. I leave it to Jonathan Clatworthy to comment, though inevitably it has caused him to labour the point that he is dealing with rubbish.

I have produced a service of worship and it compares the Sikh faith with Unitarian approaches to faith. I picked and worked on the Eighth Service of the largely defunct (as it stands) Orders of Worship (1932) and moulded into it Sikh views. Hopefully it works as worship. It is also General Assembly Sunday.

This will include some musical innovation of mine, the first time I have added a bass staff to a treble staff, and altered the treble, to produce music for the Lord's Prayer. Normally I don't say or use it, but 'hallowed by thy name' is Sikh consistent, and one ought to be flexible. It sounds and looks like the A. H. Malotte music, but the other we once used regularly has now been made available to whoever wants to use it in worship.

I have added a couple of Hull Unitarian history pages to the Learning - Religion area and one is a hint of humanism come to Unitarian Christianity 250 years ago, and the other is earlier about not handing out money to the poor - except they had to do this. It is slightly amusing to see this in these times of austerity and return to a Victorian narrative in the political sphere.

Occasionally I like a mathematical puzzle and its explanation. Anyone that watched Man Lab this week on BBC 2 will see where this one I've presented has come from, but turned into envelopes and things to put in supermarket trolleys. It is about the intuitive sense that the same chance exists with to swap or not to swap, faced with two blind choices, having first chosen from three, and why you should always swap. Yes, the explanation is on the web page. The explanation was given on the programme, and I thought of others and none are correct other than the one on the programme! It was just given but I add a touch more by way of mathematical explanation.

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